Frozen McRib Patty

A few articles are springing up as a result of a recently posted image of what appears to be the McRib patty coming out storage from a freezer. Most of the stories are playing off how “bad” the patty looks in this state. Having been to various grocery outlets that sell frozen food, I don’t see the big deal. It isn’t like the patty has a different shape, or that it has freezer burn. It appears that a majority of commenters on these stories have a similar take as I do.

Here are a few articles that can provide a little more information on the issue and include the photo mentioned:

Huffington Post


UK Mail Online

So what do you think?

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If/when you find a McRib, please mark your sighting at and be sure to send us a photo ( of your receipt showing the purchase so that we may mark it as confirmed.

2 thoughts on “Frozen McRib Patty

  1. Shane

    If you like the McRib, keep eating it. If you don’t, don’t. If you’re gonna stop eating things because of the prep work, you probably wouldn’t eat 98% of the things you already eat.

  2. Nathan Ewing

    Everytime I see another article on this I have to ask if the person who gets offended at seeing a prozen McRib patty also hates the beef pucks and potato twigs restraunts get in before they are cooked into burgers and fires. How is this even a story?


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