We recently were alerted by fellow McRib fan Carla C (thank you!) that there was evidence shared online of details about a 2022 October Release. The following “Employment Calendar” was shared in a group on social media.

Note that on October 4th the McRib sandwich is shown! The tile floor is the classic McDonalds look, and the other offerings listed suggest that this is not a fabrication.
I have been calling around to stores to see if I could capture more details. One store confirmed that the McRib would be back in October. This location was unable to confirm the specific date. Another location indicates that they would have it this fall. They could not be more specific as no product has arrived yet so the date was not yet certain. Other locations contacts had no additional details, however with the potential release a couple of weeks away this is not unexpected.

Additional data suggests that the release will be mid-month to late month. In addition to the image above, there are images floating around suggesting that the “Halloween Pails” event will start October 18th, 2022. This would further the idea that the October 4th date is the date product should begin arriving. Note that the Halloween Pails are shown October 4th, however the calendar shows these begin to be sold the 18th.
If/when you find a McRib where you are traveling, please remember to add your sighting on our map. Please also drop us an email with a receipt showing the location of purchase, and showing the McRib purchase so that we are able to mark your sighting as confirmed.