Author Archives: Alan

About Alan

From a deep hunger for the McRib, Alan created the McRib Locator to help all McRib fans find the elusive sandwich.

2016 US McRib season coming to an end

While some locations never saw the McRib again this year, others that did see the McRib are now seeing it fall from the menu. In some places the sandwich is already gone. In other markets, there is a push to have all advertising removed by Christmas. Perhaps McDonalds is going to leave a stack of McRibs for Santa, or perhaps the Hamburglar is buying out inventory to get as many as he can for himself. Continue reading

UPDATED: Mystery promotion coming to Southern California

About a week ago we were tipped off to a unique billboard in Southern California alluding to an upcoming promotion in the region.

Now that promotion is live, we see that the McRib Tour is a promotion where McRib fans can grab some McRib Swag at various meeting points between now and December 11, 2016.

There are a few different options for shirt, or perhaps for what type of pig you relate to. On the website users can generate three words describing their “role” on the tour. Presenting this badge at one of the sanctioned events results in the user grabbing some swag, which appears to be at a minimum shirts that match with the badge assignment.

Original Post:
After visiting the webpage for this billboard, we noticed that there is a countdown clock, with at the time of this post, a 5 day countdown until some type of promotion with the McRib and Dr. Pepper begins. For a region that skipped the McRib last year, this appears to be a potential reward for the wait. Requests for more information were not returned at the time of this posting. We will updated this post with more information as it becomes available.

Central America McRib Update

It appears that our original report of the McRib returning in El Salvador was a bit underestimated. We now note that the McRib has also returned in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua.
The offering here is very much like that earlier reported for El Salvador with the Potato Wedges (McPatatas). It is worth noting that the yellow sauce they are offering with the McPatatas at some locations is actually a cheese sauce called McQueso. The are also offering a wide range of retro toys within their promotions, although we do not note these toys elsewhere for purchase. Based on the Facebook pages for the McDonalds in these countries, it appears that they often pool together on promotions such as this.

If you find a McRib make sure to report it and send us a photo of your receipt (showing location and date purchased as well as your McRib order) to . Thank you!

US McRib 2016 confirmations thus far

We now have confirmations in several states, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia.

While we haven’t seen much activity out West, we are optimisitic somewhere will get it. Earlier rumors were that part of California would get a chance to grab a McRib, so we await to see if this comes to fruition. We also received an earlier rumor that the McRib will not be back in Florida until March.

If you find a McRib make sure to report it and send us a photo of your receipt (showing location and date purchased as well as your McRib order) to . Thank you!

McRib has returned in El Salvador!

While the McRib is just starting to return in the US market, it has been on the menu in El Salvador since October 20th. The McDonald’s El Salvador limited time offering appears to be offered as traditionally served in the United States. mcribelsalvador3 Their current promotion is 2 McRibs, paired with the McPatatas (potato wedges), and Soda for $9.45 SVC (around $1.08 US).

If you find a McRib make sure to report it and send us a photo of your receipt (showing location and date purchased as well as your McRib order) to . Thank you!

First 2016 photo confirmation of the McRib in the US!

We have had our first photo confirmed McRib of the season! Bethany found this McRib in Independence, Missouri!

2016 1st US Confirmed McRib sighting

2016 1st US Confirmed McRib sighting

We have been receiving news from around the US in the past few days indicating that the McRib will be returning to various regions of the US, however not all. We have been informed of an unconfirmed sighting in West Virginia (they didn’t capture a photo), Tennesse, other areas in Kansas (one location has it on the menu but is still waiting for the truck to drop them off), and of course we already know that it will be returning any day in Eastern Pennsylvania! When we receive word of releases in Eastern Pennsylvania we will be adding the McDonalds locations in that region to the map to help you plan your next road trip.

If you find a McRib make sure to report it and send us a photo of your receipt (showing location and date purchased as well as your McRib order) to . Thank you!