With the McRib season entering the later phases, we wanted to provide an opportunity for fans to get ahold of one of our window clings before the season has ended. To these ends, we will be giving out window clings until they are gone for confirmed McRib Sightings.

Below are the steps to get your 2014 McRib Locator window cling.
Option 1 : Confirm a McRib Sighting
1) Visit a McDonalds that is currently serving the McRib
2) Order the McRib
3) Keep your initial receipt (this will show information about the store, the current date, and show your McRib purchase)
4) Visit http://mcriblocator.com/report.html and submit your sighting
5) Snap a photo of your receipt (make sure you can read the store info, current date, and purchase)
6) Send this photo to photos@mcriblocator.com . In this email, also include your mailing address so we know where to send your window cling.
Option 2 : Await an opportunity to win one via our Facebook and Twitter accounts.
We offer periodic opportunities to snag a window cling, be ready and you can score one!
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