Having just caught up on the confirmation emails (thank you for your emails!), I thought it would be interesting to take a quick look at a few metrics on how the season is going thus far.
As of the time of this post, there have been 1,177 McRib Reports made on the website. Of these, there have been 306 confirmed (recall that confirmed means the reporter pinned them at http://mcriblocator.com/report.html and sent us an email with a photo of their receipt showing location as well as McRib purchase).

McRib Count Per State
States lacking confirmations thus far are Hawaii, Alaska, Oregon, Utah, Wyoming, North Dakota, Arkansas, Michigan, New York, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. We suspect at least a few of these states are serving the McRib. If you know someone in one of these states, please ask them to check their local McDonalds and let us know if they find the McRib is available! One thing that stands out is that the New England states have decided against bringing the McRib back. Perhaps the McLobster will return there this year instead as was done earlier this summer in Canada.

If/when you find a McRib, please mark your sighting at McRibLocator.com and be sure to send us a photo (photos@mcriblocator.com) of your receipt showing the purchase so that we may mark it as confirmed and help other fans track down this elusive sandwich.
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