Nebraska goes all in for 2014 McRib release

The Lincoln Journal Star (Nebraska) is reporting that the McRib will be available at all Nebraska locations (minus a few Walmart McDonalds locations that lack sufficient space) by next week. It is clear that Nebraska knows what the fans want, and welcomes bringing back the food item that a former University of Nebraska-Lincoln meat scientist made possible with an amazing invention back in 1981.

McRib returns in Minnesota

While the website is showing McRibs spreading across parts of the country, we were excited to find a nearby McDonalds offering the McRib. Kim swung by a Bloomington, MN McDonalds on her way home from work on a hunch. As she pulled up, there it was, the legendary McRib.


It was clear to her that the McRib had only just arrived on the menu as the employee taking her order had difficulty placing the order for this limited time sandwich. A manager came over to help, and mentioned that they were offering a $1 McRib when purchased with a combo!


Upon arriving home, I went out to the car to get something and noted the aroma of the McRib lingering in the car. This reminded me of trips in the past when we had to travel a fair distance to get a McRib.

We feasted on our first McRibs of the season, and they were fantastic.


While we have had our first feast of the season, rest assured we are going to continue trying to find one for you too. To that end, if/when you find a McRib, please mark your sighting at and be sure to send us a photo ( of your receipt showing the purchase so that we may mark it as confirmed and help other fans track down this elusive sandwich.

McRib returns in Pennsylvania

We received an email today about the return of the McRib in Northeast Pennsylvania from a member of the marketing team in that region. All 67 restaurants in their coop will be serving the McRib officially starting October 27th through the end of November! Most of these locations are currently participating in a soft release, meaning they have McRibs NOW! As such, we have added these locations into the potential sighting list so fans in the region know which locations to investigate.

Additionally, pricing information in this region is as follows:
A single sandwich is priced at $2.99(plus tax).
A Medium Extra Value Meal is $4.99 (plus tax).
Add an additional McRib to the purchase of an Extra Value Meal for $1.00 (plus tax).

Are you able to confirm one of these locations before the 27th of October? If/when you find a McRib, please mark your sighting at and be sure to send us a photo ( of your receipt showing the purchase so that we may mark it as confirmed.

Meanwhile in the Philippines – New Desire

Guatemala, Germany, and the United States are not the only locations currently serving the McRib around the globe. For what is being reported as the first time, the Philippines are getting into the mix. Not only are they offering the McRib as served in the United States and Germany, they are also offering an option without bun, add rice. This variant is being called the Glazed Pork BBQ with rice.

An in-depth well writen write-up on the offering can be found at Pinas Muna. It is clear from their write-up that they liked both variations and found it to be very popular in their area.

What do you think about the Glazed Pork BBQ with rice? If you had the choice between this and the regular McRib which would you pick?

Just a weekend before McRibs return

The majority of tips from fans and people in-the-know indicate if the McRib will return in your neighborhood that it will most likely be this coming Monday. This means that this coming McRib Monday will be the best of the year for many fans. Don’t be surprised if some locations start over the weekend, as some locations are excited to bring the McRib back as soon as they can (as Virginia already has). Be sure to check back here to see if there is a sighting near you.

With the confirmation that the McRib will not be nationwide his season, we are hearing fans plead that it will be near them. Let’s help these fans by reporting your sighting. If/when you find a McRib, please mark your sighting at and be sure to send us a photo ( of your receipt showing the purchase so that we may mark it as confirmed.

Confirmation of if the McRib will be nationwide in 2014

Earlier today CNBC provided a story related to the McRib and the 2014 release. Part of the story discussed an overview of the McRib for those that previously were unaware of what the McRib is (yes, there are still people who don’t know what a McRib is).

The story also highlighted that the release will not be nationwide, as recent McRib fans have been indicating. As we discussed last year, the McRib sales have brought success to quarterly reports in the past, so a limited release is interesting.

With a limited release, McRib fans again call out to you help them find where they an get this saucy sandwich. If/when you find a McRib, please mark your sighting at and be sure to send us a photo ( of your receipt showing the purchase so that we may mark it as confirmed.