International McRib Commercials

We wanted to see what type of YouTube information was available for international McRibs, and came across a handful of interesting videos we decided we would share.

A couple of interesting tidbits.
1) It appears Claudia Black (Stargate SG1, Farscape) enjoys the McRib much more than Mom’s roast in Australia Video #1.

2) The Malaysia commercial reveals that the secret sprinkling on top of the traditional McRib Bun is….(see end of commercial below).

Take a look below, and make sure to vote for which video you liked the most!

Australia #1

Australia #2

Spain #1

Spain #2






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McRib bun topping revealed

Over the years there has been speculation to what is sprinkled on top of the McRib bun. I was once told by Mayor McCheese that the topping was not cornmeal when he was asked. Turns out in 2013 the McDonalds in Malaysia let the cat out of the bag in their promotion of the Chicken McRib:

The topping, in Malaysia at least, is in fact cornmeal! Perhaps not a huge surprise, however one that is a little surprising to have effort in masking. What do you think, would it be the same without the cornmeal topping?

Why do we require receipt confirmation?

Perhaps you once asked yourself why we ask for receipts to confirm a sighting. The reason we ask for this photo ties back to two issues we have encountered in the past.

1) Call confirmations can be wrong
Today we called around local McDonalds looking for the McRib, after hearing it was available about 45 minutes away. One location said they would be offering it tomorrow, and another said they had it today. We anxiously jumped into the car and headed to the location that said they had it. Upon arriving, we did the drive thru test, pass by the menu and see if it shows the McRib. We didn’t see it on the menu, however went in to see if they had it being they told us on the phone that they did. When we asked if they had it, the employee said not yet, likely not for a few months. He then discussed with a coworker how we were in tune with their registers as the McRib button had only recently been added to the machine. He then told us that nowhere had it yet, but it would be here in a few months.

1) The Hamburglar wants all the McRibs for himself
While the majority of McRib fans are providing reliable sightings (thank you!), we do get reports that are false. Why anyone would do this is beyond us, however our best guess is that it is the Hamburglar attempting to steer McRib fans in the wrong direction so that he may keep the McRibs for himself. This is also the reason behind why some sightings say the Hamburglar reported them, the people that reported those sightings did so anonymously which may hint the Hamburglar is behind those sightings.

If/when you find a McRib, please mark your sighting at and be sure to send us a photo ( of your receipt showing the purchase so that we may mark it as confirmed.

McRib now available in Guatemala

We have just received a confirmation for the McRib from a McRib fan (thank you Juan) from Guatemala! Additionally, we found that the launch appears to have been today or yesterday based on their Facebook and Twitter accounts. We have included their current promotional images below the confirmation receipt below.

guatemala_confirm guatemala_3 guatemala_2 guatemala_draw

If/when you find a McRib, please mark your sighting at and be sure to send us a photo ( of your receipt showing the purchase so that we may mark it as confirmed.

McRib to return in November?


While we know the McRib has been plentiful in the Denver, CO area, we haven’t had the more broad release across the US as one would expect. While there has been limited availability at other isolated locations in the United States, it seems likely that the McRib is being held back for a late season release. This theory was confirmed today by a longtime friend (thank you Kevin) back in South Dakota. He indicates that the McRib will return to eastern South Dakota in November and December. It seems likely that other locations will see a release around this time as well based on trends from the past few years.

It seems likely that the Mighty Wings are the culprit to the delayed release of the McRib as they would prefer not to have the two compete on the menu. This isn’t the first time that a new product has held up/prevented the McRib from returning. When the Angus burgers first rolled out at McDonalds the McRib release was very limited as some locations didn’t want those two to clash on the menu.

Help us locate the McRib!

We have just received word that the confirmed sighting in Powell, WY is no more. Apparently the McRib was only available there for a single week!

With the very limited availability at some locations, we want to get the confirmed sightings out as soon as possible. Toward this goal, we are going to be giving away a McRib Locator pen to the people first to provide a confirmed McRib sighting in each of the 50 states (and DC too).

McRib Locator Pens

In order for a sighting to be confirmed we need you to email us a photo of your receipt showing both where it was purchased and the price it cost (both are available on the receipt) to . We also need you to submit your sighting at If you win, we will let you know and will follow up with a request for your mailing address. In the event of a tie, most creative photo with the McRib wins.

Not the first to confirm? We are also going to pick the top 10 most creative McRib confirmation photo submissions and send them pens too!

Both of these opportunities run through at least the end of December 2013 and may be extended depending on McRib availability. After reviewing submitted photos we will share on the blog those that are winners, so make sure to check back to see your competition.