Old Navy sinks their teeth into McRib Mania

I was recently informed via Katie K and Darrel L (thank you both!) that Old Navy is offering a “McRib is Back” tshirt.

At $16.94 and sizes Small to XXXL, it seems that they are trying to reach out to a vast majority of the McRib fans. While this is a great opportunity to grab some licensed memorabilia, will you be grabbing one?

If you do happen to pick one up, send us a picture (mcribphotos@mcriblocator.com) of you wearing it so we may include it in an upcoming post showcasing McRib fans. We will be picking 3 of the submissions to be part of the McRib fan of the Week which, in addition to bragging rights, will earn you a McRib Locator pen.

In the meantime, if you happen to catch news of the McRib coming to your McDonalds, please let us know when they are planning to stock it. We have heard from Angie S (thank you Angie) that one of the McDonalds in Greenville SC is going to offer the McRib starting mid-November!

If you find a McRib, please mark your sighting at McRibLocator.com and be sure to send us a photo of your receipt (photos@mcriblocator.com) showing the purchase so that we may mark it as confirmed.

McRib Release Delayed?

As originally pointed out at Advertising Age and rebroadcasted at The Huffington Post an other news sources, it appears the 2012 McRib release has been pushed off into the later part of December.

While our earlier reports hinted at a earlier than normal release, holding back inventory is not out of the picture. While the McRib patty itself is easy enough to store in the freezer, one has to wonder how the McRib bun production will shake down as the bun is not as easily stored.

Although the delay is a bummer, at least now we can encourage that the McRib be left out for Santa instead of cookies, and/or you can break in the New Year with a McRib BBQ laced lip exchange with your significant other.

If you find a McRib, please mark your sighting at McRibLocator.com and be sure to send us a photo of your receipt showing the purchase so that we may mark it as confirmed.

McRib Update August 24, 2012

I recently received great news from Stephen (our tipster from last year) that McRib production is again under way. The timing is about one month earlier than last year, and as the McRib did not hit stores until October last year, it is within reason that a September release for the McRib is possible.

While you await the McRib’s return, please make sure to visit our 2012 McRib Excitement Poll and let us know how excited you are for the return of the McRib.

If you find a McRib, please mark your sighting at McRibLocator.com and be sure to send us a photo of your receipt showing the purchase so that we may mark it as confirmed.

McRib arrives in Australia for very Limited Time

The McRib’s world tour continues with an appearance in Australia. As part of a 2012 Olympics campaign, McDonalds Australia has decided to offer up the “Atlanta Pork McRib” to symbolize the previous Atlanta Summer Games. While this is indeed exciting news for folks “down under”, this is a very limited time opportunity, only 2 weeks!

2012 Olympics Campaign

Facebook follower Curtis D tipped us off the the availability and provides the following cell phone snapshot from a McDonalds that he visited.

You can view the other 2012 Olympics themed offerings at http://mcdonalds.com.au/.

While the McRib Locator map does default the focus of the map to the United States, it is certainly possible to report a sighting globally.  If you find a McRib anywhere globally, please make sure to report it on the McRib Locator so die hard fans know where they need to go to get their fix.

If you have any photos of the McRib in Australia, please share them with us by emailing photos@mcriblocator.com.

McRib Poster in Spain

We recently discussed the availability of the McRib in Spain. As an update to this development,  Estela Alonso Fraga offers a picture of a McRib poster found at one of the McDonalds in Spain.

Image submitted by estela alonso fraga

While the McRib Locator map does default the focus of the map to the United States, it is certainly possible to report a sighting globally.  If you find a McRib anywhere globally, please make sure to report it on the McRib Locator so die hard fans know where they need to go to get their fix.