McRib Season Over …or is it?

Update 11/19/2011

A friend and I went out to find a McRib for lunch yesterday. Upon finding the McRib, we asked how much longer the McRib would be on the menu at this Eagan, MN location. The first employee said “until the end of the year”, then asked his manager. The Manager said that he expected them to remain until January 6th! Can’t wait for a New Years McRib!



Original Post 11/17/2011

While the official date (November 14th) has came and went, we continue to receive reports of the McRib remaining available. Several reports have surfaced indicating that November 22nd may be the last date, and we earlier reported that some locations may be keeping the McRib through this month, and possibly longer.

Have you heard any rumors at your local McDonalds regarding the remaining availability of the the McRib? Please Share them here so others know too!

As always, make sure to report your McRib Sighting at, and send us a photo of your McRib receipt so that we make your sighting as confirmed.

Free McRib Winners, and Free McRib Second Chance

The winners have been determined, and they are:
Robert N from Florida
Sean T from Pennsylvania
Craig M from Ohio
Emily B from Maryland

Watch for an email from me!

Didn’t Win? After reviewing the answers to the quiz, check out the link below for one last chance to win a coupon for a Free McRib!
Here are the correct answers to the quiz:

Question #1:
How many McRibs have you had this season?

Answer: Any one of the answers was accepted.

Question #2:
Legends of McRib: Last Year, Alan was selected to participate in a McRib release party in New York City. What date was the event held on?

Answer: November 2, 2010

Question #3:
When was the very first McRib sighted on the McRib Locator? (Hint, use the search feature on the McRib Locator)

Answer: October 3rd 2008.

Question #4:
Alan isn’t the only one that helps with the McRibLocator. Who else does?

Answer: His wife, Kimberly. Kimberly aids me significantly in the cause, and can be found throughout McRib season updating the McRib Locator Facebook page, Twitter account, this Blog, and providing insight into what McRib conversations are occurring online. Kimberly essentially is the Social Media Director here at the McRib Locator.

Question #5:
Which country (other than the USA, Canada, and Germany) has featured the McRib in the past 6 months?

Answer: Japan was the answer we were looking for, however China was confirmed during the contest so that too was a valid answer.

Didn’t win? Don’t worry, we are offering a very limited time Free McRib Second Chance. Simply enter your name and email at for your chance to win. We will select 2 winners at random from the entries submitted. As the season is rapidly coming to an end for this season, this Second Chance Opportunity is only available until 10:30pm Central Standard Time on Tuesday November 8th, 2011.


One Year Ago Today…

We take a moment today to reflect back on where we were 1 year ago this day. McDonalds had invited Kimberly and I to attend a McRib event “Legends of McRib” in New York City. This was unexpected, and greatly appreciated. Having never been to New York, it was an exciting opportunity to see the Big Apple and also dine on McRibs.
Upon arriving at the McDonalds just off of Times Square, we found that McDonalds had extended a fair effort to highlight the 3 of us identified as Legends. Not only was there a massively sized replica McRib, there were signs for each of the 3 of us, a computer lab for people to visit the McRib website, a video booth to record your McRib story, a photo booth so that you could take a picture at the event with various backgrounds, many many many balloons, and white (yes, I was surprised by this as well and joked that it would be stained with red BBQ by the end of the evening) furniture for us to sit on.

©Kimberly Klein

Joey “McRib” Erwin was identified as he seeks on the McRib every day that it is available in his hometown. Adam Winer was identified for the lengths from which he would travel for a McRib. The previous year, Adam had flown from New York to Chicago on a quest to find the McRib. He traveled by car from Chicago to St. Louis as part of this quest. I was identified for the efforts on the McRib Locator.

Joey “McRib” Erwin and Alan Klein at 2010 McRib launch party ©Kimberly Klein

Alan Klein at 2010 McRib launch party ©Kimberly Klein

Joey Erwin, Adam Winer and Alan Klein at 2010 McRib launch party ©Kimberly Klein

2010 McRib launch party ©Kimberly Klein

This McDonalds had a nice looking marquee out front, but just as amazing was the fact that this McDonalds had 3 stories of seating! The event was held on the 2nd floor, and half of the 3rd floor. Media sources had been provided access to the event, and throughout the evening we three “Legends” fielded various interviews regarding our McRib backgrounds. The event was hosted by Leo and John from (follow this link to see their take on the Legends event).

2010 McRib launch party ©Kimberly Klein

2010 McRib launch party ©Kimberly Klein

2010 McRib launch party ©Kimberly Klein

Of course we did some sight seeing, Central Park, Ferry ride to see the Statue of Liberty from afar, Grand Central Terminal, Ground Zero, stopping by FAO Shwarz so that Kimberly could play/dance on the Giant Piano, soaking in Times Square on election night, stopping by the 5th ave Apple store among others.

Alan Klein at the Apple Store… Look what is on the computer! ©Kimberly Klein

Alan Klein at 2010 McRib launch party ©Kimberly Klein

It was a great experience, and Kimberly and I had a great time in the Big Apple. We zipped around to various landmarks on our tight schedule, however didn’t feel disappointed in what we saw (other than riding the subway well past one point of interest and having lost around 30 minutes there by the time we got back). Thank you again McDonalds for picking us to participate in the Legends of McRib experience, it is something we will never forget.

Do you have a memorable McRib story? Email us at

Don’t forget to enter the drawing for a free McRib (we have coupons to give away!).

Trick or Treat, all Treats with McRib Giveaway!

In appreciation for all of you fans out there, we will be giving away free McRib sandwiches (via gift card from McDonalds). We have decided to base this contest on McRib Locator related trivia (5 questions).

Here are the rules:

1) You will need to visit our blog post entry related to the contest.

2) Do not close or move away from the contest page while you are filling it out, or you will have to start over.

3) You, of course, may open new windows/tabs to aid you in solving the questions.

4) One entry per household.

5) Contest ends November 5th 11:00pm Central.

Please reply to this post if you have questions!