While it was but just a month ago that the McRib had again made it’s comeback in Canada and in a small part of Georgia, it has again went into hiding in many places. Two places that the McRib is still holding out in are
Savannah, GA
Campbell River, BC.
Thanks to Jim and Dax respectively for sending in their receipts so that we may confirm the McRib’s availability.
Have you also had the McRib? Make sure to send us a photo (photos@mcriblocator.com) of your receipt so that your sighting may be promoted to confirmed! Bonus for those that also send a photo of themselves enjoying the McRib. We will share these on the blog.
It is official… the McRib has returned
After three long years the McRib is back, but for a limited time only!
The legendary McRib sandwich is made with tender, boneless pork rib meat, smothered in tangy barbeque sauce, placed in a warm toasted bun, and topped with onions and pickles.
Before its imminent disappearance, be sure to take your friends and family out this summer to your favourite McDonald’s restaurant to enjoy the McRib.
Thank you to Bill Kowalchyk for forwarding this promotional McDonalds email to us.