Daily Archives: January 21, 2011

Fan of the Week – Christopher Harrell

  • Name: Christopher Harrell
  • Location: Denton,TX
  • When did you have your first McRib?
    It must have been when they first went national in 1981. I was 7 years old and had just moved to a new city where I saw them (and had one) for the first time.
  • How many McRibs did you have during the 2010 season?
    The season is still going here!
  • What do you eat during the off-season?
    I don’t actually eat a lot of fast food. I make a special occasion of it during the McRib season.
  • What is the farthest distance you have driven to have a McRib?
    373 miles once, from Austin to Texarkana. Where I was living did not have them yet, but where the rest of my family lived did.
  • How do you order your McRib?
    I typically order them as they come, but I’ll ask for a mustard packet. Or of course, I’ll order a double McRib (or 3) on the right occasion.
  • Tell us about ordering a double McRib. How did the McD’s react to this? Do you order it this way all the time?
    The last time, the cashier hesitantly said, “I *think* we can do that.” Then she fiddled with the cash register until it worked. I’ve been told they can’t do it, and I’ve had people ask me if I was serious. Mostly it is surprise followed by them defensively telling me it will cost extra. I don’t always order the doubles, but it should totally be a regular option.
  • Favorite McRib Story/Memory?
    I had been living in a part of the country that doesn’t have the same high profile market saturation of fast food that the majority of the country enjoys. While on vacation from there, I saw a giant billboard announcing the return of the McRib I immediately pulled into the nearest McDonald’s.
  • What makes you a great McRib fan?
    Being from the South, I love pork BBQ and the McRib is the closest any fast food comes to that, so while I don’t often eat fast food, I splurge every McRib season.
  • Do you freeze McRibs? How many? How do you decide when to eat them?
    I don’t freeze them, but I have tried several recipes to replicate them. Some good, some… not so good.
  • How does your family/friends view your McRib love?
    They’re indulgent if not entirely understanding of it.
  • What else?
    I once saw a “Rib Sandwich” in a convenience store and added it immediately to my purchases. When I got back to the car, I opened it up and took a bite. We had to immediately pull over and throw it away. The rest of our drive, the car smelled like the foulness that was that sandwich. Just before we threw it out, we checked the ingredients list. The first ingredient was “pork water.” Not pork, not water, no comma, just “pork water.” I now heartily recommend against imitations.
  • —————————
    Thank you Christopher for being our January 21, 2011 McRib Fan of the Week! Here’s to double stacked McRibs. Let us know if you try a triple!

    If you would like to be featured as McRib Fan of the week, please email us at weather@kleincast.com with subject line “McRib Fan Friday!”