Daily Archives: December 10, 2012

McRib 2012 Photo Contest

With the flux of McRib confirmation emails coming in, we like to look for and share unique photos of the McRib and/or promotional material around the McRib. Today we noticed that the McRib promotion is calling the McRib “the Ultimate Pork Sandwich” and the title is fitting (at least from our point of view).

Michael’s McRib Sighting at Buena Park McDonalds by Knott’s Berry Farm

As we count down the days until the return of the McRib, we would like to have a friendly contest of who can provide the most unique photos (family friendly of course) of the McRib and/or McRib promotional material. Send your picture to photos@mcriblocator.com before December 20th and we will sort through and showcase the images we think are best. Following this, we will ask that you vote on which photos you like most and the winner will receive one of our McRib Locator pens.

If/when you find a McRib, please mark your sighting at McRibLocator.com and be sure to send us a photo (photos@mcriblocator.com) of your receipt showing the purchase so that we may mark it as confirmed.