Monthly Archives: November 2014

McRib set to return to the UK in December

After a limited release in the UK earlier this year, the McRib is coming back in full force at the end of December.

Notice that the McRib will be amiable for about a month, sticking around until February. This is welcome news for the UK, as they have been asking for the return of the McRib for years! I suspect a lot of fans across the pond will be breaking in their New Year with some saucy love!

2014 McRib Locator Window Clings Still Available

With the McRib season entering the later phases, we wanted to provide an opportunity for fans to get ahold of one of our window clings before the season has ended. To these ends, we will be giving out window clings until they are gone for confirmed McRib Sightings.


Below are the steps to get your 2014 McRib Locator window cling.

    Option 1 : Confirm a McRib Sighting

1) Visit a McDonalds that is currently serving the McRib
2) Order the McRib
3) Keep your initial receipt (this will show information about the store, the current date, and show your McRib purchase)
4) Visit and submit your sighting
5) Snap a photo of your receipt (make sure you can read the store info, current date, and purchase)
6) Send this photo to . In this email, also include your mailing address so we know where to send your window cling.

    Option 2 : Await an opportunity to win one via our Facebook and Twitter accounts.

We offer periodic opportunities to snag a window cling, be ready and you can score one!

Latest McRib News – November 19, 2014

As we enter what is likely the end of the season for some locations, we have received encouraging news that other locations will continue to have the McRib for a bit longer. One fan in Pennsylvania indicated that he was told the McRib would remain on the menu through mid-December.
Meanwhile, Hawaii will see the McRib at least into the first few days of December as they begin their bargain deal on a second McRib.

A few other rumors have floated in indicating the McRib may still return in parts of the Northeast as well as parts of Florida where the sandwich has yet to make an appearance this season. These rumors are slightly suspect as we have received word that McRib patty production ended the last weekend of October.

As we ask each year as the McRib season winds down, we need your help to get reports of where the McRib is so that fans can get their fill for the season as well as stock up for the offseason. If you find a McRib make sure to report it and send us a photo of your receipt (showing location and date purchased as well as your McRib order) to . Thank you!

Would you like a McRib Locator Window Cling?

As the primary McRib season in the US starts to wind down, we need your help to get updated sightings and confirmed sightings. Some reports indicate that the McRib will start disappearing around the 17th, so now is the time to take action to get another (or perhaps your first) McRib before they are gone.

In appreciation of your assistance, we will be giving out McRib Locator Window Clings to 20 people that today both report their sighting via our webpage ( ) and also email us a photo showing the receipt from the purchase (please show enough of the receipt to show where and when the McRib was purchased as well as the McRib purchase).