Daily Archives: October 30, 2016

First 2016 photo confirmation of the McRib in the US!

We have had our first photo confirmed McRib of the season! Bethany found this McRib in Independence, Missouri!

2016 1st US Confirmed McRib sighting

2016 1st US Confirmed McRib sighting

We have been receiving news from around the US in the past few days indicating that the McRib will be returning to various regions of the US, however not all. We have been informed of an unconfirmed sighting in West Virginia (they didn’t capture a photo), Tennesse, other areas in Kansas (one location has it on the menu but is still waiting for the truck to drop them off), and of course we already know that it will be returning any day in Eastern Pennsylvania! When we receive word of releases in Eastern Pennsylvania we will be adding the McDonalds locations in that region to the map to help you plan your next road trip.

If you find a McRib make sure to report it http://mcriblocator.com/report.html and send us a photo of your receipt (showing location and date purchased as well as your McRib order) to photos@mcriblocator.com . Thank you!