US McRib Return
With the recent return of the McRib to Guatemala, we have been tracking down details of the US 2018 McRib return. We have heard from multiple fans, and via our phone calls to stores around the country that the McRib will be returning to some US locations in October, November, and/or December. Several of the places I called did not think the McRib would be back, however one store indicated that it would likely be at corporately owned stores. We also know that the McRib will be returning to a number of non-corporate stores.
Which US Locations?
So far we have identified the following parts of the country that will be offering the 2018 McRib this season. We will be updating the list as we find more specific locations, check back on our blog for the latest locations.
- Participating Corporately owned McDonalds stores
- Minnesota/Wisconsin combined sales region (by Nov 1)
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Iowa City, IA
- Altoona, PA (around October 25)
- Pittsburgh, PA (sometime this year)
- West Milton, OH (October 29)
- Columbus, OH (November)
- Huntsville, AL (now available)
- Ashland, KY
- Memphis, TN (approximately last week of October)
- Conway (Little Rock), AR (any day)
- Baton Rouge, LA (now)
- Shreveport, LA (now)
- San Antonio, TX
- El Paso, TX (now)
- Oklahoma City, OK (around October 25)
- St. Louis, MO (around October 29)
- Kansas City, MO (early November)
- Garden City, KS (around October 24)
- North Platte, NE (November 4)
- Omaha, NE (October 27th / Buy any Combo, get a McRib for an additional $1)
- Des Moines, IA (around October 24)
- Sioux Falls, SD (early November)
- Rapid City, SD (around October 29)
- Fargo, ND (November)
- Dickinson, ND (around October 29)
- Great Falls, MT (around Oct 26)
- Spokane, WA (likely before Nov 1, inventory on site)
- Medford, OR (around October 29)
- Los Angeles, CA (now)
Might have the McRib
- Seattle, WA (possibly will appear at some locations outside the metro)
- Portland, OR (November?)
Not as Likely to have the McRib
- Philadelphia, PA
- Poughkeepsie, NY
- West Seneca, NY
- Southern Michigan
- Boise, ID
- Salt Lake City, UT
- Grand Junction, CO
- Sacramento, CA
- San Diego, CA
- Phoenix, AZ
- Las Vegas, NV
- Albuquerque, NM
- Denver, CO

How you can help
If you find a McRib make sure to report it at and send us a photo of your receipt. Make sure your receipt shows the location and date purchased as well as your McRib order. Send your confirmation photo to . Thank you!
Looking for the first New England sighting please
Its been many many years.
Can’t wait til they come back to Massachusetts!
I never understood why New England doesn’t seem to get the McRib often. I’ve been waiting and watching for anything in Southern New England
A lot of people mention wanting it back in your area. Make sure to let your store manager know you want it back!
Have mentioned it to our local establishment multiple times. What I don’t get is not a single McDonald’s in New England. Do you know how many people would drive to that single one?
Right, that store would be super busy!
ANYTHING in New Jersey?????
? Any sighting in nj!?!!
Nothing confirmed
Available in bluffton sc yet? or hilton head sc?
I haven’t seen one in NJ (or anywhere in the Northeast) for more than a decade. SUCKS!
seriously, we should start a support group for those of us neglected in the NYC/NNJ area. WTH?
I live on chandler az. Will the mc rib be coming here
No, unfortunately we’ll have to go to southern CA to get one.
Will they be anywhere in AZ??
Didn’t have luck when I called around earlier this week
Im guessing not. Even though they have plenty of commercials about it in the Phoenix metro area
Store managers have told me it’s never coming back to Arizona. That’s why I’m never going to McDonald’s again in AZ.
San Diego and the surrounding areas will have time as well! I called the stores out there and confirmed it, it should be out in 2-3 weeks. Thank goodness!
What’s the best way to bring the McRib back to the east coast Ny/Nj/Pa
????? 😁
Let your local store manager know you want it back!
The McRib is so popular so it’s dumb to not mhave rhem so have them for sale from
Oct! Through April! It makes no sense not to offer them for us! We get sick of burgers. Thank you, sandy
A McDonald’s GM shared with me that McRib will be coming back to NE Wisconsin by mid-October.
Light sauce, no pickles, add xtra xtra dehydrated onions , add shredded lettuce and make it times 10 at a northern california mcdonald’s please.
Last year was the first year we never had them in Cincinnati. I was so mad. I was really wanting one. I hope they have them this year.
Drive to Columbus and consider yourself lucky!
Looking in North Texas???
They never offer it in the DC area and that area isn’t listed in any of the categories. I really hope something comes now up. I’ll even take something along the PA turnpike around Christmas, because that’s when I’ll be rolling through.
What about West Virginia? Last year it was on Halloween Day; what a treat!!!
How about a McRib in northwest Ohio say Toledo?
I guess it is another year of boycotting McDonald’s, no mcrib for us in Reno nv. And it is looking more and more like one has to travel to other states and out of the country to get one!
We want the McRib back in Cincinnati and New Richmond, Ohio
Why won’t they answer the phone!?! I guess I’ll just have to drive-thru stalk my McDonald’s….
Sales must be going crazy. I had a lot of no answers when I called around last night.
Anything in the tri-state area?
How about getting some in america. Like Chicago?
Did you not read the post?
McRib is a hoax, you never bring it to the Spokane or North Idaho, it’s pretty much just like Bigfoot, people say they have seen it but it doesn’t exist!!!!
Hang in there!
McDonalds Y U No Bring McRib to MICHIGAN???
This is at least the third time the McRib has been back and NO LOVE for us.
Seriously the entire state is skipped everytime.
What about Puerto Rico, I have waited about 6 or 7 years and nothing, Im very upset at MCdonalds, for their lack of attention to peoples requests.
Any word on it possibly come to Las Vegas this time around? Trying to be positive.
Any McRibs in Connecticut?!
Not looking good
Anyone know about the Fort Wayne, IN area? Or particularly Auburn, IN? My mom heard on the radio the McRib was back and sent me over to get three, and they looked at me like I was crazy. :/
Not specifically, but check our webpage for the latest
Why are there no McRib’s in Sacramento CA or even Northern California????
Those stores must not think it sells well enough
I’m in the same boat as you are, I’ve been calling places all over but no hits
Why not the metro Detroit area?
Those stores must not think it sells well enough.
OMG! I got to have one today in Katy, TX. Thanks, McRib Locator!!
Happy to be of assistance!
Why cant Arizona ever have mcribs. Very Disappointed!! 😢😢😢😭😭😭
Any plans for Melbourne Florida that you know of?
Not specifically
Dude I can’t find a place in northern California, none in Sacramento, rumors about the bay area , but when I call to check , if they pick up the phone, it a negative out here
I so disappointed in McDonald’s, I live in Westland, Michigan and I was really looking forward to the mcribb coming back just to find out it’s not coming back to Michigan
how about Toledo ohio?
The latest we know is on the map.
I haven’t had a McRib in years!!
I live in NJ and work in NYC!
Enough already! Give us McRibs!
We need mcribs in NJ!!!
Where waiting to have a mcrib in phoenix Arizona
Shouldn’t be announcing that its back if its not available in all states
It’s bullshit Arizona doesn’t have the McRib. BULLSHIT
Same here. I am over in the Hartford Connecticut area and when I heard it would be Released I drove to about five or six different locations And found nothing. It has been more than 20 years since I’ve had one.
I have to drive 55 miles to the closest McDonald’s in Hermiston, Oregon. I’m like so many people that would LOVE it if the McRib was a permanent item on the menu. Let’s face it, small towns don’t have a lot of variety and burgers just don’t sound good sometimes. PLEASE bring them to Hermiston!!!! I LOVE McRibs! I’d buy them by the dozen like I do the Mango Smoothies! To have them both at the same time would be awesome!! Put a word in for small towns. Your list said they are in Medford, Oregon. That’s an all day drive. You “might” bring them to Portland, Oregon but, depending on which side of Portland they would be, it would be between 3 & 4 1/2 hours. Also, not an option. Will us small town people have to go forever without a McRib? SO not fair!
Why not in Colorado
No denver locations, really, i am a 5 to 8 days a week at mcd, im quitting and going to wendys since the one sandwitch i actually like is not here
Why no McRib on Long Island!?!?!?
The owners there must have again said they did not want to bring it back
Just curious…why can’t the Mcrib be country wide? Makes no sense….
Up to store owners if it returns. Let your local store manager know you want it back.
Only one in michigan ? Great job McDonalds yall suck .
Colchester Connecticut is getting the mcrib!!!
I called yesterday and she said it is on the orders so within a couple weeks told me to keep calling back and checking,
Keep us posted Mcrib
I’m a big mcrib fan…but living here in Northern New Jersey, the closest one to me is in State College, PA…it is close to a 4 hour drive. For a mcrib, the furthest I can justify driving is a 2 hour drive…they use to have them in Stroudsburg, PA like 2 years ago…and I used to take that drive bec. It was under 2 hours. McDonald’s should take into consideration mcrib fans across the USA and designate corporate owned restaurants or franchisees so that all region would be served…also maybe make them available in the local grocers frozen food section, this would be better than nothing.
I’m on Long Island, Suffolk County….I feel your pain. Ridiculous ! Why tease us…then don’t have them anywhere in your area….none on LI, none in the 5 boroughs….joke. F*^K McDonald’s !!
My McRib Deprived friends,
I too live in North Jersey but have the advantage of having a girlfriend who has a house in State College. She brought me a few last week (She’s the best!.) I wouldn’t make the drive there specifically but we were out there this weekendand we stopped on the way home. She got a sweet tea, the dogs got nuggets and 2 McRibs for me. They are still super tasty and I agree that they should be available everywhere.
What about NY come on we want our McRib in Binghamton area too
Why is there no MCRIB offer in Miami… again!
Talk with your local store manager!
I did… Everyone says they don’t know it’s not on their calendar. Or that it’s just not coming. back. I don’t understand because in some parts of Florida not as populated as Miami. They have it, why? 😤😤😤😤😤
When will it come to NYC!?!?!?! 🙁
Doesn’t look like it will be this year 🙁
Bring the McRib to Littleton, Co please
Please bring the McRibs back to Michigan. We have been waiting for it.
McDonald’s blows….how they are not in every state at multiple locations in those states is unfathomable. Poor customer service. They should not have to have Owners/Mgr’s have to request them. They should be automatically shipped to every McDonald’s.
Md never ever gets the McRib I have started boycotting McDonalds since they feel the need to be so greedy with the placement of those delicious sandwiches… I have called Corporate which is like talking to a Parrot! But long story short it’s been 7-8 yrs since I have seen one anywhere near Md Hell I told Corporate I was willing to drive 100 miles !! Lol but as for me No McRib in Md no more business from me!!!
Bring the Mc Rib back to Homestead,Florida…. 33033…. And leave it as a regular menu item..Thankyou…..
Anything in Maryland?
See the map on our page for the latest
What happened to Denver? No mcrib!!!!!!!!!!!😠😢😢😢
I don’t think it’s fair, that the Mc Rib isn’t coiming to all locations nation wide, make it happen Mc Donalds!
I’ve called independently owned McDonald’s and McDonald Corp…’s up to the owner of McDonald’s, not Corp….in most cases it’s more cost effective NOT to have the McRib….Since it’s a “specialty” item, owners are committed to purchase X amount of item….and after the initial craze, they have more product then what is called for.
I’ve said to McDonald Corp….why are you making the owners purchase more then is necessary ?!?! Don’t you want the customer to be happy? Response was: Crickets…nothing….silence
This web site is a scam!!! I live in the bay area,ca and every time I use the locator it say there is one close , so I get fooled and go to the store and call and get burned every time. I have even went to Sacramento and used the app and it does the same thing there.
Did the markers for those locations have check marks in them? If not, the sightings are not confirmed. Once a report has a few negative votes, we check and remove the location.
This is a forum to vent only!!! Every sighting is BS…….I’m done with Mickey D’s…….
That simply isn’t true. Locations with checkmarks have been confirmed.
Then explain why I went to 2 Mcdonalds in Nassau County (with your precious checkmarks) and both times they’ve never even had them ….that’s when I had to make calls all over the place to find out there will be no McRibs on ALL of Long Island…..
Alan are you employed by Mcdonalds?!?!?
We are not.
Why no Utah locations?
Bring Mcrib to Toltec Arizona
I will buy them every day
I have a family for five
Way are you not selling the Mcrib in the dundalk n Essex stores
It is up to store managers / owners.
Why No McRibs in Denver
There are no McRibs anywhere….all a big tease….
Why the selfish release of the Mcrib?
I’m disappointed that the McRib want sent out all over the McDonald’s franchised locations!! I know it’s up to each Owner/operated locations however I’m sure it’s a very popular sandwich!
When I worked for McDonald’s that was one of our biggest selling sandwiches that we had a hard time keeping in stock!!! It didn’t make much sense to me why not ask them everywhere??
Well I’m upset because I’m visiting my Mom in Fl and it’s not here and I live in “The Biggest Little City” and it’s not being offered there either!! Where
What the heck!! So I don’t get to have one at all this Holiday Season??? I feel very left out!! Can Santa bring me a McRib with extra sauce no pickle or onion please for my stocking stuffer this year? I’ve been a really good woman!!
Well anyone can HOPE RIGHT?
A disappointed McRib fan nabbed Tina
Boycott Mcdonalds….the issue is Mcdinalds Corp mandates that each Mcfonalds/Owner must buy X amount of McRibs. More then what they want, hence they are forced to over buy, they end up losing $. THANK YOU VERY MUCH MCDONALDS CORPORATION! GREEDY YOU KNOW WHATS! They definitely don’t care about there customers…only the almighty dollar!
John Coz
When will mc rib be available in Naples, fl
Best chance is next fall. Let your store manager know you want it back!
Why haven’t we seen the Mc ribb in colorado springs? ?
I don’t know of any Colorado McDonalds that offered the sandwich this year. Let your store manager know you want it back!
We have not seen this in Southwest Florida
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I’ve called numerous place on Long Island and no one is saying the McRib is coming back here. Why???? I love the sandwich truly my favorite! Please let us know if it is planning to come to New York specifically Long Island either Nassau and/or Suffolk Counties.