McRib to return in 2020

This article is now outdated. Please see our newer 2020 US McRib post.

Good news fellow US McRib fans, the McRib is going to return in 2020 at some US stores again this year! We have been calling around, and with the help of a few other fans, have enough confidence to now announce that McRibs will again grace the menu of select locations in 2020.

When will the McRib be back?

So when exactly will the McRib be back? A few bits of information point to when the sandwich will return. First, throughout the calls that we have made we had a few indicate a date range. Those that indicated it would be back have replied that the McRib will be back toward the end of October. A larger number of stores indicated they were not sure. It would seem the volume of uncertainty would suggest a very limited release. Not to worry, history shows that some future promotions ran at McDonalds do not start showing up until about a month before the planned release. We are right at that window, so we are not alarmed yet to the scale of the McRib season. One fan in Atlanta was in contact with an owner of multiple stores there and they too indicated a late October release (thank you John!)

A second hint of when the sandwich was in our historical archives. Reviewing our archives to see exactly when the McRib has returned in the past. This year being a presidential election year, we looked back at the past few presidential election years and again see late October/first week of November as the most likely date for the McRib to return.

October 29 - November 5, 2016 McRib Confirmations
October 29 – November 5, 2016 McRib Confirmations

Where will the McRib return?

Exactly which locations will have the McRib is still uncertain. With the state of things this year, we wouldn’t think there would be a return to all locations. Also historically we know that new offerings on the menu can prevent the McRib from returning as focus is put on the new offering. The emphasis currently appears to be on musician labeled meals. As they are now on to the second of these pairings, the campaign may draw conflict in some markets.

That is what we currently have for information on the McRib returning in 2020 within US markets. As we get closer to the release date more information should become available and we will share that as it does so. Until then, lets reflect back on this fan’s love of the McRib as shown by his unique costume!

20 thoughts on “McRib to return in 2020

  1. Zelina Caloca

    I love MC RIB. The last time I had it in San Jose California was 2009. Since then MC RIB hasn’t come back. I’m willing to travel to get that MC RIB any city in California. Can you please notify me when the MC RIB comes and locations? Thank you,
    Zelina Caloca

  2. Terra

    My son and I lived in Colorado for 11 years. No McRibs. A friend sent me some via fedex. Another flew to Florida and brought me two. We drove to New Mexico once. The McRib is happiness. Due to the coronavirus, my son and I had to leave Colorado to hopefully find a job. The only thing good about this relocation is the thought of being in McRib country! I’m poor looking for a job, but I’m budgeting in a McRib. ♥️♥️♥️

  3. Evan Levy

    YESSSSSS!!! So psyched to hear this news – maybe I’ll bust out the costume again this year to celebrate!..thanks Alan, you’re the man

  4. JohnC

    Latest from nicole at Mcdonalds Inc.
    mcrib will be back late October for limited time and limited locations

  5. Rosalie Fuentes

    I hope in comes to South Florida. The last couple of years it has been offered to Central Florida but we here in Miami are forgotten. Please we need the McRib!!!!!

  6. Mike

    I spoke to the customer relations person in charge of Southwest Arizona and she confirmed the McRib will be in AZ the beginning on November!!!

  7. Peter

    I must have been spoiled… Growing up in Chicago, we tend to get them every year. Plus.. I live by one of the first McDonald’s in Libertyville Il

  8. Mike McKibben

    Whoa! The McRib picks and chooses where it goes in the US? I’m in the Suburbs of Chicago so it better be coming back this year! 2020 or not!

  9. Pingback: 2020 US McRib release has been delayed - McRib Locator

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