Daily Archives: October 3, 2021

2021 US McRib Return

McDonalds recently announced that the McRib will return to US stores on November 1, 2021. While they have yet to respond to my inquiry to if the McRib will be offered nationwide or only at select stores, most likely this will be a nationwide release again this year. This will be the 40th anniversary of the rollout of the McRib making the nationwide return the most likely scenario.

Many of the news articles I have came across that shared that the McRib will be returning also mention that the return of the McRib is earlier than last year, however later than pre-COVID releases. While this is partially correct, there have been later releases of the McRib as can be found by reviewing our posts to see dates of returns.

Get ready to send your reports! Make sure to help other McRib fans find out which stores start selling prior to November 1, and help in the event some locations are not offering the McRib. Thank you!

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