Daily Archives: December 8, 2010

Viva la McRib

I recently received an email from a McRib fan in Mexico. The email informed me that the McRib was soon to arrive in Mexico, and gave a link to the Mexico McDonalds Site. I took a look, and sure enough, the McRib is going to be there soon (if not already). Watching the video(and if I translated the fine print correctly), it also appears that the McRib will be in Mexico through the start of April! Sounds like I might be getting ready for a trip across the border sometime later this winter.

Thank you for the tip Rodrigo!

How many McRibs did you have?

As the McRib season draws to a close in the United States, it is a good time to see just how many McRibs people had. Please let us know how many you had by taking part in this poll. Thank you for your input.

Which 2019 Guatemala McRib would you pick?

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Welcome to the McRib Locator Blog

First off, I first must once again thank you the fans of the McRib that have contributed to the content on the McRib Locator. Without your help, there is no possible way that I could have individually done justice to the great sandwich that is the McRib.

With all of the information floating around, I felt that a blog may be a good way to gather the conversations into one place. I also intend to use the blog to show case some of the pictures that we the fans have taken with/of the McRib over these years. I also plan to hold some contests over the upcoming months, so make sure to check back when you can to make sure that you don’t miss out on your chance to participate.

Again, THANK YOU for your continued support.

Alan Klein
Kleincast.com CEO and Founder