Daily Archives: September 28, 2011

McRibs are BACK… in Japan!

While checking my twitter account this evening, I began noticing these posts:


I thought to myself, “No Way! I haven’t heard of McRibs in Japan before!”. I had to check it out. I clicked on one of the links to find this:

I know about zero Japanese (okay, I take that back, I know about 0,0001% … “Konnichiwa and Sayonara”), so I migrated over to google translate to find something like this …

Makkuribu” is Patti and juicy pork, sweet barbecue sauce complements the taste well, fresh, crisp lettuce, onion, lemon sauce that contains a suite,a hearty dish. “Double Mac rib” is “Makkuribu” pork products Patty’s another addition to the product’s hearty appetite for perfect autumn.”



One more thing to check. McDonalds Japan. After randomly clicking here and there, I found the answer:

Anyone up for a trip? Do we have any fans from Japan? Would love to feature you here on the blog! Email us your photo (with a McRib of course) to: photos@mcriblocator.com


McRib to return in Ohio

A few days ago, one of our blog readers pointed us to the following story Woman wins McDonalds Breakfast. The owner of the McDonald’s was interviewed and he let it “slip” that the McRib would be returning along with Monopoly. Earlier this week McDonalds did launch their 2011 Monopoly Contest, so that component of the owner’s comments have proven true. This is also consistent with the release last year, where in some areas you were able to purchase a McRib combo with the Monopoly contest game pieces available.

If you find the McRib, make sure to send us a photo (photos@mcriblocator.com) of your receipt so that your sighting may be promoted to confirmed! Bonus for those that also send a photo of themselves enjoying the McRib. We will share these on the blog. Also make sure to enter your sighting at http://mcriblocator.com