Daily Archives: September 30, 2011

McRib Returns in Orlando October 12, 2011?

I received an email this evening from Chris Norris in the Florida area. Enclosed in this email is a monthly event calendar for The Orlando, FL area McDonalds. Chris found this insert at McDonalds, specifically at the McDonalds near Universal Studios.

Most interesting is the entry on October 12.

Zoom in on October 12
This promotion is consistent with what was offered in many parts of the Midwest last year, and the timing again matches up with the release last year (actually this is the same day of October that the first report with favorable reviews from last year showed up).

If you find the McRib, make sure to enter your sighting at http://mcriblocator.com. Also, send us a photo (photos@mcriblocator.com) of your receipt so that your sighting may be promoted to confirmed! Bonus for those that also send a photo of themselves enjoying the McRib. We will share these on the blog.