Daily Archives: December 2, 2020

2020 US McRib Release Day!

It is finally here, 2020 US McRib Release Day!

First, today is a day many years coming for some parts of the United States. McRib fans are rejoicing, but none more than in regions where it has been nearly a decade since the McRib was last offered. Thank you all for your continued contributions to the webpage, my goal has always been to create a community of McRib fans helping each other track down this tasty sandwich.

Second, last night, I received a promotional box for this year’s McRib from McDonalds. The McRib promotion this year is a tie in to the No-Shave November non-profit organization. As November is over, McDonalds is promoting shaving for a good cause, a portion of McRib sales from December 2nd.


Additionally, McDonalds wanted to reaffirm their commitment to Black-owned businesses by sourcing swag from the Ceylon company. It is a nice shaving kit for sure!

While these promotional boxes are more elusive than a McRib in February, I can direct you to their promotion where they will be giving out 10,000 McRibs if you share a selfie of yourself on Twitter or Instagram with your clean shaven face, use hashtag #Shave4McRibSweepstakes and tag @McDonalds.

Lastly, Please continue to send your reports! I noticed McRib advertising is still saying “at participating locations” so it is possible there are still some locations that will not be offering the McRib this year. As the McRib inventory dwindles, we are going to need those McRib confirmations to help fans race to get their last McRibs of the season.

Remember, you can follow us for all the most up to date information on our Blog, Twitter, and Facebook page.